
I’ve spent the last few weeks trying to figure out what’s wrong with my web site. It wouldn’t let me edit any of my pages or post anything new! Now I’ve figured out that it’s not my web site but something on my home computer so I’m typing this up on my Netbook and avoiding the problem entirely.

It’s something I do well.

Avoid the problem. I don’t like conflict. I never have. We were silent arguers in my house. It took me years to figure out that if my parents weren’t talking to each other, that meant they were arguing. We were always told to go to our rooms if we were angry or upset. I guess the idea was to work out your problems alone and don’t drag the rest of the family down into your swirling drain.

Maybe that’s why I’ve turned to writing. It’s such a cathartic exercise. Even now, I’m gloating over the fact that I’ve bested whatever computer beastie has tried to thwart me by coming in through the proverbial back door and venting my frustrations to y’all. But it’s more than that. Childhood dreams can be relived, teenage angst worked out and secret ambitions attained all through an author’s imagination and some time at the computer.

What is it that drives my fellow writers to write?  Drop me a line and let me know!