A Random Question

I’ve been horrible at blogging this month. Stress and visitors in the house have zapped my computer time. I’ve been told there’s no such thing as writer’s block, so I guess what I’m experiencing is writer’s apathy.  

Anyway, right now it’s 2 a.m. and I can’t sleep. I’m trying to decide between watching a favorite movie to remind myself how a good story is told, or turning on my laptop to try and write something in my own story.

On other nights when this has happened I’ve started on Facebook then moved on to watching a movie. Tonight, however, I think I’m going to try writing again. Perhaps it’s all the coffee I had today, but my brain is clicking and I’ve missed hearing the tapping of computer keys as I work out the stories buzzing around in my head.

That got me thinking, what do other creative people do when they can’t sleep? I thought I’d take an informal poll. Is it

a) watch a movie b) write c) read a book d) play on Facebook or e) other

Drop me a line and let me know!

5 Replies to “A Random Question”

  1. When I wake up in the middle of the night, I pray. The Lord wakes me. The weird thing is, sometimes I find out after the fact that something happened about the time I was praying that needed prayer coverage. It’s happened a couple of times with my young SEAL friend and others facing serious issues. The feedback has made it easier to keep doing because I know that someone somewhere needs it. Unless one is a pray-er, this sounds hokey. YMMV

  2. I don’t usually have the Not Sleeping problem, but when I do, I get up and read. Sometimes surf the TV. Pray to God I’ll be able to sleep soon. That sort of thing.

  3. Heather and Cher,
    If I’m woken out of a sleep for no apparent reason, I’ll often spend some time in prayer, whatever and whoever God brings to mind. Last night I woke up because of a bizarre sound (turns out the motor to our retractable awning never turned off!)

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