The Joy of Jammies

A friend sent me a blog about altering your “at home” work habits to be more successful or get out of a rut. One of the suggestions was to change things up a little and NOT take a shower and get dressed as if going to an actual office.

I read the line twice before it hit me.

Some people don’t stay in their jammies for as long as possible throughout the day. Some people actually get washed and dressed even if they aren’t going anywhere.

Oh my…what a concept.

I have discovered that my absolute best writing is done the instant the morning rush is over and those that are heading out the door are out. Generally from 8 until 11 a.m. If I interrupt this time with something as mundane as clothes? Well my muse doesn’t like it! Not one bit! See I am one of those people who forever wander from one room of the house to the other, constantly getting distracted with new projects and shiny objects. If I don’t park myself in front of the laptop and write at that time, I’m toast.

The whole topic has sparked my curiosity. Writer friends, and others who work at home, which are you? Does your morning routine include a shower and clothes or a cup of coffee and slippers? Inquiring minds want to know!

11 Replies to “The Joy of Jammies”

  1. If I seat myself at the computer in my sleepwear BEFORE Lyle leaves, he has frequently come home for lunch to find me still there. When I have no where to go and no one to answer to (as when he’s off someplace for piping or work), I will stay in those comfy clothes the entire day, writing & reading, then shower in the EVENING before changing into FRESH sleepwear. I have been embarrassed a couple of times when mail person rang the doorbell for a delivery or signature. Que sera sera. She knows I am an eccentric writer and just smiles at my robe, slippers and messy hair.

  2. Well, Kimmy, you already know the answer to your question. I hit the ground running in the morning when I’m the most productive in my jammies. I get two of my kiddos out the door, follow-up on e-mails, get as much church work done as possible, make phone calls, homeschool my middle son and then shower & dress before I need to leave for whatever reason. I’ve been known to tell my more comfy friends if they insist on coming over to drop something off or pick something up during this time that “I’m not getting dressed for you” – to which they usually chuckle and come on over. If someone whose not a comfy friend comes over unannounced, they aren’t likely to get an answer at my door – I sometimes feel bad about that, but not always. I didn’t give myself the freedom to do this until a few years ago when, let’s just say, my hormones went haywire. Bottom line is that jammies are much cooler than real clothes.

  3. One day, I wish to write in my p.j.’s. Unfortunately for me, I have to get up and get ready. Drop the kid off at daycare. Sneak in one hour of writing (usually at a coffee shop). Then head into work. 🙁

  4. Shannon, I’m impressed you can even fit in an hour of writing before work! That’s dedication! I hope you get your YA novel published to much acclaim and can realize your goal of writing in jammies!

  5. I’m afraid I’m not much of a morning person… my brain doesn’t “wake up” until about 10AM, regardless of how much caffeine I pump into it. My best, most productive time is between 10PM and 2AM. Blame all that time I spent in the missile capsules… it permanently altered my circadian rhythm…

  6. I usually catch a second wind in creativity around 8 at night. If I can get some time at the lap top I can go until about 11 or 12 before I crash again. I think its because I have to get up early most days (5 am) that I can’t go any later than midnight.

  7. I can’t stay in my jammies—it puts me straight to sleep! (Like a Pavlovian dog kind of reflex thing, I think.) So to get any work done on anything at all, I have to get up, make the bed, brush my teeth, have coffee (in jammies) with hubby, then get dressed, including footwear, and then spackle and paint the countenance. THEN I can concentrate on work. (If I’m not too worn out by that time.) 😀

  8. hee-hee, “spackle and paint the countenance.” It’s just now noon and I’ve finally showered! But I wrote six pages this morning even with a minor emergency call from my husband.

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