The Joy of Jammies

A friend sent me a blog about altering your “at home” work habits to be more successful or get out of a rut. One of the suggestions was to change things up a little and NOT take a shower and get dressed as if going to an actual office.

I read the line twice before it hit me.

Some people don’t stay in their jammies for as long as possible throughout the day. Some people actually get washed and dressed even if they aren’t going anywhere.

Oh my…what a concept.

I have discovered that my absolute best writing is done the instant the morning rush is over and those that are heading out the door are out. Generally from 8 until 11 a.m. If I interrupt this time with something as mundane as clothes? Well my muse doesn’t like it! Not one bit! See I am one of those people who forever wander from one room of the house to the other, constantly getting distracted with new projects and shiny objects. If I don’t park myself in front of the laptop and write at that time, I’m toast.

The whole topic has sparked my curiosity. Writer friends, and others who work at home, which are you? Does your morning routine include a shower and clothes or a cup of coffee and slippers? Inquiring minds want to know!