A Novel Challenge

It’s that time of year. The leaves have fallen, the nights are colder and this author’s fancy turns to thoughts of NaNoWriMo- better known as National Novel Writing Month.

I took the challenge on last November and, with only an intial scene and the vaguest of plots,  spewed out  60,000 words of my second young adult novel. My family thought I’d lost my mind, and I nearly did several days, but at the end of the month I reveled in my accomplishment.

And so tomorrow, I begin again. This time I have the outline of a story to guide me. I’ll see if this process goes any smoother than last year.

I hope you join me on this epic journey. I’ll be blogging about my successes and failures as I come up for air during the month. Every author craves encouragement, so if you get a chance, drop me a line to cheer me on!

On your mark, get set….

6 Replies to “A Novel Challenge”

  1. Hi Kim i used to go to the creative class at the library, due to moving to Iowa i find it difficult to attend right now.
    My question is this do you know of any writing contests that i could enter the novel i just finished, i call it the Stonehenge Files, it’s somewhere in the neighborhood of 200,000 words.
    I am in the process of cutting it down and am almost done with the rewrite if you know of any contestes that fit the word count of my book please pass them on. Tim

  2. Hi Tim,
    Amazon has a First novel contest that opens in January I think. The word limit is 150,000. That’s the highest word count I know of. Most publishers want everything under 100,000 for a first time novel.

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