
Okay, so maybe y’all have had enough of the football analogies, but I can’t help it. I love the sport! It’s dirty and gritty–full of conflict and heartbreak.

Just like any good story!

As most of you know, I’ve spent the month of November participating in NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month. Those of us insane enough to make it official signed up on their website and pledged to write at least 50,000 words over the thirty days in November.

Over the past month I’ve wrestled with my characters as I tried to meet my goal. I’ve fumbled the plot a few times, watching in horror as my characters spun across the page searching for their purpose. I’ve had to change my game plan, tackle a few opponents (like exhaustion and Black Friday shopping) but with time running out on the clock I drove down that gridiron for the go ahead score!

I reached 50,000 words last night at approximately 10:30 p.m.  I’m not the only one celebrating the achievement. My husband can’t wait to see the dining room table again (I kept my Thesaurus, idea notes, word count sheets and lap top set up there for easier access!) My kids will be happy that they won’t have to wait for me to come to the end of a scene before I’ll talk to them.

No, I haven’t completed the entire novel yet. I anticipate another 30,000 words will be needed to wrap the loose ends and fill in the blanks I left in the plot as I hopscotched to scenes I had fully realized in my head. But I’m excited to have achieved my goal. Thanks to all of you who commented either here or on FaceBook, I couldn’t have succeeded without your encouragement (and nagging!)

And now, I’m sorry to say, I have to leave you. I may have scored a touchdown, but my characters are still waiting to see who’ll win the game! I’m off to finish their story, just at a little less frantic pace!