A Discovery

I’ve learned something about myself this week, which is always exciting when you’ve got enough years behind you to see the crest of that infamous “hill!”

I learned that it’s not so much the threat of a deadline or the setting of a goal that gets my juices running and my muse musing– it’s the fact that I told so many people about my obligation. I wrote it on this blog for all to see and now I hate the thought of failing so publically that I’ve found myself squeezing in time to write when I’d normally shut down and tune out for awhile.

Granted, I’m only on day 4 of NaNoWriMo and the insane weekend hasn’t come yet, but I’m still hopeful. I’ve already plotted to get up early on Saturday before my road trip to the Husker game so I can type out a few hundred words. Sunday will be a little more difficult what with church and an afternoon singing engagement with my husband, but I’m hoping to have a little energy left in the evening to write.

I guess it’s my desire to please that has spurred me on this week because I’ve set my own private goals before–for writing, house cleaning, dieting– and I always fall short. I honestly worried that I’d already be behind in my NaNoWriMo goals long before now, but because I let you all know my plans, I’m paranoid to fail.

So thanks to all of you who have commented so far to let me know you’re reading these blogs! It’s  keeping me on track to succeed in something I didn’t think I could do! You all rock!

5 Replies to “A Discovery”

  1. I won’t disappoint you! Of course, this may cut into our “chat” time next week…nyah…I’ll make sure to get ahead before I come down for the conference. (That is if you promise to take me to the Dunkin Donuts!)

  2. Good job, I’d never be able to do NaNo, I write so slow… By the way, I really appreciated your comments. Before I came I read that piece to myself and said man what a bunch of slock gunk… I almost scrapped it all, then thought, no, it does advance the story. Maybe, the reader can’t catch it, but the story does move forward – but anyway, I appreciate it.

    Deadlines are good, that was always one of goals for NWW. I used the Wednesday night meeting – make myself move forward.

  3. Rhonda-you have a great gift for humor and charazterization so your scenes always move the story because they peel a layer off the characters for us! I’m so glad you’ve been able to start coming on Wed. nights again!

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