My First Book

I received an e-mail the other day that 101 Facets of Faith is now available on My first book!

Okay, so it’s not all mine. It’s actually a compilation of devotions written by several authors. But my name is on it. Thoughts of mine are written on the pages for everyone to read.


What an incredibly frightening and humbling thought.

I’ve always written. Since childhood I’ve kept journals and notebooks of random thoughts, poems, stories and prayers. For the past seven years I’ve worked at creating fictional stories that I hope to someday have published.

And yet, it’s fitting that this first book should be a non-fiction one that illustrates our difficulties with faith. God is, after all, the one who inspires my writing. I’m thankful that this first offering of the gifts He’s entrusted me with is one that clearly gives Him glory.

Yes, my heart is in fiction. Creating characters who learn and grow in faith. But I will take every opportunity to tell people about my own struggles while I learn and grow in my own walk with God. After all, that is the story that ulitmately matters the most.

4 Replies to “My First Book”

  1. Good on ya! Congrats on this first ‘real’ book, even though it’s a compilation. One of my favorite authors did the same and she’s gone on to win several Hugo awards.

  2. Nicely put, Kim. And I love that your passion is to create stories with characters who grow with God. Can’t wait to get your first work of fiction–in all its bounded glory–into my hands!

  3. Hey Heather!
    Congrats on being in the book too! I think that makes it even more special, knowing that you’re “beside” me in this venture! I know you’ve been published in lots of magazines but was this your first book as well?

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