Inspirational Characters

I’ve had quite a few questions about my new character so I thought I’d update y’all here.

He’s doing quite well, thank you! He’s been an inspiration to my story. And not just for me, my protagonist is learning from him as well. He’s helped her escape from a precarious position but he’s also pushed her to discover strength she didn’t know she had. He’s helping her to grow into a more powerful yet empathetic version of the person she thought she was.

In short, I love this guy! I’m so glad he forced his way into my story.

 I started thinking about the people in my life and how they have transformed me. Twenty-five years ago, God placed a man in my life, John Stokely, who not only accepted my eccentricities, but loved me all the more for them. I never thought I’d move away from the East Coast but by falling in love with a Naval Officer I was forced to see more of the United States than I ever thought I would.

Moving away from family and friends is difficult, but a wise woman (my mother-in-law) told me early on, “If you don’t cry when you leave a town, you’ve wasted your time there!” I vowed then that I wouldn’t waste my time, I’d explore every new duty station and make as many friends as I could.

That’s a difficult thing for a person like me. My friends don’t believe it, but I’m actually shy until I get very comfortable in a new situation. But God forced me out of my box with each move and I’m grateful for every one. Each new town, each new friend, gave me the opportunity to grow in ways I never would have dreamed of on my own.

So again I’m asking you to take a look around this week for the “stranger in the corner.” Who is it God might be placing in your life to help you grow? What new opportunity might force you out of your box? As Mr. Magorium said in his Magic Emporium (if you haven’t seen this movie, I recommend it), “Life is an occasion. Rise to it!”