February Foibles

I remember in my twenties being warned by older women in my Bible study not to pray for patience. “Pray for it, and the Lord will keep sending you ways to test your patience. Traffic jams, cranky kids, being on hold with insurance companies…you name it, you’ll have to deal with it!”

I’ve learned that trying to practice thankfulness seems to have the same effect. For the new year I started a devotional by Ann Voskamp about finding God’s gifts throughout each day. I absolutely love the devotional, but since I started it, I’ve been plagued by one test after another. Puppies that poop throughout the house and don’t sleep through the night; temperatures below zero with wind chills that would scare a polar bear;  and coughs and flus that never leave. My family often finds me mumbling over my coffee as I try to focus my thoughts on God’s graces, rather than the pile of used tissues and cough drop wrappers threatening to overflow the trash can.


But, not surprisingly, most days this incoherent chanting of mine does produce the desired effect. When I thank the Lord for my warm house, comfy jammies and the wonders of Kleenex, my mood brightens and I’m not quite so miserable.

So far, February has been spent working on practicing thankfulness and not much else. I hope to have Woman of Flames up on Smashwords soon, but with my foggy brain, it’s been a slow process. I’ve finished 1 book review, revised two humor pieces for submission to a new venue and am struggling to complete my NaNoWriMo novel. I’m also hoping to start work on a novella about Anna, the prophetess. Years ago I wrote a monologue about her and the more I think about it, the more I think it would make a great story. My plan is to offer it free on Smashwords. I may try and publish it in paperback as well.

So that’s my February update. I’m thankful this month for my chiropractor (who fixes the pinched nerve in my neck when I cough too hard,) a patient husband, understanding friends, and God’s unending mercies.


Anyone else got something to be thankful for? Leave me a comment and let me know!


12 Replies to “February Foibles”

  1. Kim,

    I am thankful that I was blessed to get to know you and I continued to be blessed by your writings. Thank you for reminding me about the wonderful difference being thankful makes.

  2. I’m right there with you, Kim! God is a great and loving father who wants to always teach us things to make us better. Too many people see these things as trials or wonder why a loving God would allow bad things to happen to us. If we really look at it, he’s allowing things to happen to help make us better because we never know how our stories might positively impact others. I know that He has taught me A LOT over these past several years, and a tremendous amount just during the past year. I embrace all of these events for His greater glory. May He continue to bless and strengthen you always!

  3. We have had 2 really bad storms this year that have crippled atlanta for several days at a time. I was stuck in my car for five hours during the first storm just trying to get home from work. I then realized that people had abandoned their cars which were then blocking traffic. I then had to walk 2 and a half miles to my house. When I got to my house, we had no food. We walked to the nearest gas station and bought 6 hot dogs so that we had food to eat for the next couple of days. We also bought water in case our pipes froze. Once the second storm came through that shut the city down once again, we had learned our lesson. We went to the store for food and firewood in case we lost power. Some 5000,000 people did lose power, but we never lost power. I was so grateful for heat, food, and water. It made me realize that we forget to be grateful for the basic things on a daily basis. We assume that there will always be heat on in the house and water to drink. I will never forget this experience!

  4. Amen, Ken. I am learning so much through this study and it’s helped me to look at all my trials differently. Actually, it’s made me look at all of life differently. From your comments, I can tell you’ve learned to trust Him in all things, and that is such a testimony. Blessings to you and your family, my friend.

  5. Wow, Jennifer. I didn’t realize you were in Atlanta! It’s true, we take so much for granted in this country. It’s been ages since I had the flu, so I really appreciate my health now that I’m feeling better. Just the ability to walk upstairs without being out of breath or coughing is such a blessing! Stay warm!!! Spring will eventually come!

  6. I’m thankful for friends like you. It pains me that many people feel all alone in this world and I don’t know how they cope. You are a treasure and it is so fun to read your refreshing, tremendously honest posts. Keep them coming!

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